Simon Sinek in the video “How We Change the System” says that we can make demands of our leaders but at the end of the day, we can’t change our leaders, we can only be responsible for ourselves. When people say that the system is broken, there's no mythical system, it's us. Our society is a collection of individuals and the balance of behavior from those individuals is the system you get. So, it starts at home, it starts with us and if we want to change the system, we need to set ourselves on a course to become better listeners and there is a big difference between listening and hearing. Hearing is understanding the words that are said to you and listening is trying to get to the meaning of the words that are said to you with an appreciation that sometimes people say the wrong thing, sometimes emotions are involved, sometimes they get flustered and it's not for us to take their words personally but to rather try and show up with curiosity to really understand the meaning. You show up with empathy, go to the root and look past the superficial, that’s all this is.
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