According to Simon, winning is a result. So, winning feels good to everybody but the problem with doing something for the win is that although it's motivating, it's not inspiring. This is because after you win, there's a dopamine rush, so you do it once and you want to do it again. However, if you go through a whole string where you don't win, you can lose motivation and you won't stay inspired.
We need to remember that winning is a result/output and inspiration is an input. So, winning is not everything. Therefore, the question is that is the reason your friends love you is that you just like to win. Our why is the value we give to the world that is bigger than the winning. The "WHY" may drive us even when we're not winning and keep us inspired, regardless of the outcome and it's the reason our friends and colleagues love us. It's the reason our clients and customers love us. So, your friends don't love you because you're a winner but your friends love you because you offer some value to them in their lives and that's where you want to go for searching yourself.
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