Classroom culture refers to values and believes that guide the structure and processes in a classroom. The prevailing culture of the class influences choice of content, the skills and attitudes that are promoted, the relationship between instructors and students, and many other aspects of a learning environment. If classroom culture is conducive to learning, it has a direct impact on students’ learning outcomes. Positive classroom culture involves creating an environment where students feel safe and free to be involved.
For a classroom culture to be conducive to learning, it should reflect the following characteristics:
· mutual respect (between the facilitator and the students, and especially between students)
· openness to difference in views and opinions
· evidence-based argument and reasoning
· making learning engaging and fun
· making explicit and encouraging the underlying values and epistemology of a subject discipline
· transparency in assessment (rubrics and criteria)
· recognition of and respect for the personalities of each student in the class
· everyone should feel accepted and included in everything.
· collaboration and mutual support.
· Students should be comfortable with sharing how they feel, and teachers should be willing to take it in to help improve learning.
Ways to create positive classroom culture are:
1. Make the processes in the classroom democratic: Let students participate in creating classroom
2. Turn problems into pedagogical moments: See problems in classroom as a way to teach new things.
3. Keep students in loop about assessments, assignments and assessment criteria. It would be better if students can participate in the process of assessment and feedback.
4. Keep parents in loop of what is going on in the classroom and help them understand what students’ learning needs
5. Try to give students qualitative feedback and individual attention to help them excel