Earn from home is the way of earning money from home-based job. There are different ways of earning money from home.
Freelance work: freelance work is the type of work that you take on contractual work for companies and organizations. As a freelancer, you can set up your own working hours and get paid based on the project that you are taking.
Become a consultant: consultancy means giving advice on your area of expertise to any company or organization for a limited period of time.
Blogging/Vlogging: blogging/vlogging refers to writing, video, photography and other media that can be self-published online. By blogging about a topic you can pull in readers and monetize on the viewership. Similarly, you can upload your videos to online media platforms and earn money through that.
Online surveys: one of the easiest ways to earn money from home is through paid online surveys. You have to take part in a survey and you earn points for every survey which can be monetized later.
Online tutoring: online tutoring refers to the process where students and teachers are present in different geographical locations and connected through online media platforms like Awake University, Zoom, Google meet, etc.
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